Seminar spotlights sexual and reproductive health
Emory Reproductive Health Association (ERHA) put on its first seminar, "Sexual and Reproductive Health through a Social Justice Lens" in November. "We wanted to highlight the multidisciplinary work being done at Emory and in the community to address the social determinants of sexual and reproductive health," says Lasha Clarke 16MPH, then co-president of ERHA. "And we wanted to go beyond the research side to focus on how it could impact policy."
The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Willie Parker, who regularly travels to Jackson, Mississippi, to provide abortions in the state’s only remaining abortion clinic, the Pink House. Other speakers discussed topics such as the global elimination of maternal mortality from abortion, the idea of menstrual justice, and sexual violence on university campuses.
Feedback has been so positive that the newly elected co-presidents of ERHA—Aasli Nur 17MPH and Pallavi Trikutam 17MPH— are already planning another conference for the fall.
* SOURCES for above "By the numbers" - 1.) Henshaw, S. K. (1998). Unintended pregnancy in the United States. Family planning perspectives, 24-46. 2.)Grimes, D. A., Benson, J., Singh, S., Romero, M., Ganatra, B., Okonofua, F. E., & Shah, I. H. (2006). Unsafe abortion: the preventable pandemic. The Lancet, 368(9550), 1908-1919. 3.) Singh, S. (2006). Hospital admissions resulting from unsafe abortion: estimates from 13 developing countries. The Lancet, 368(9550), 1887-1892. 4.) Marston C, Cleland JC. Do unintended pregnancies carried to term lead to adverse outcomes for mother and child? An assessment in five developing countries, Population Studies, 2003, 57:77–93