Vaccine tracker added to health equity dashboard

Rollins researchers launched the COVID-19 Health Equity Dashboard last year as a dynamic, online tool to visualize the burden of coronavirus infections and deaths against the underlying social determinants of health, such as percentage of the population who live in poverty, who are African Americans, or who are uninsured. The team recently added a vaccine tracker to the dashboard.
While the dashboard currently shows overall vaccination coverage at state and national levels, the team is working on incorporating recently released data on coverage by race. Whereas nearly one in three residents of Georgia are African American, only about one in seven of those vaccinated are African American.
“The original goal of the dashboard was to show the differential impact of the virus,” says Dr. Shivani A. Patel, Rollins Assistant Professor of Global Health and the leader of the team that developed the dashboard. “We added the vaccination tracker so that we can see how well we are reaching communities that have been hardest hit.”